"Make Your Child's Next Party
    One of Lasting Memories,
        and Introduce the Underwater World"

We all know planning a party requires a lot of time and effort.  There’s the location to find, food to make, invitations to send out, and activities to come up with.

Wouldn’t it be great if someone could take care of all that so you could enjoy the party too?

Let Dive Connections put together a Swim & SCUBA party for you! Our experienced staff will put together a two hour party that your child is sure to remember forever! We’ll even provide food and drinks for all of your guests.  So sit back, relax, and enjoy the party!

… and if they like it  - there is plenty more to do.  From Snorkeling on the James, visits to Lake Rawlings, full scuba certification and trips for whole families of divers.

Basic Party Package                $350
Up  to 6 Children with 2 Adults, Food– Hot dogs & Chips or Pizza, water, sodas or juice, 2 hours of swimming, Snorkel Lesson, Underwater Activities and Games, 30 min Discover Scuba Experience

Extra Guests                               $50
Is your guest list bigger than our standard package can accommodate? No worries, the more the merrier!

To get started, download the the necessary PADI Bubblemaker Release.  Be sure to have one filled out fro every participant and signed by a parent of guardian for all the children. If any medical issues are present, please download, complete and have the child's physician review and sign this Medical Release and Physicians Statement.

Give us a call if you have any questions - 434-964-9200 or email

Thanks and we look forward to diving with you!













1754 Timberwood Blvd
 Charlottesville, VA  22911