In a song called Calypso,
written as a tribute to Jacques Cousteau, John Denver sings the words “To Live
on the land, we must learn from the sea…”. Since I became a diver in the
year 2000, I am continuously amazed at how true those particular words are, and
at how much they have come to mean to me personally. So far on my journey
through the world of scuba, I’ve traveled to exotic islands, made new and dear
friends, become a dive professional, and discovered some pretty cool stuff about
the world around me, and also about myself! Becoming a diver has turned
out to be one of THE pivotal events in my life, and I hope it will be in yours
As a dive professional, I’m dedicated
to helping anyone and everyone who wants to, to discover the beauty, joy, and
excitement of the underwater world. I’d love to meet you and chat with you
about YOUR introduction to this fantastic sport, or to help you on your
continuing journey through the endless possibilities for personal achievement
through SCUBA. As a diver, I’m passionately committed to learning as much
as I can about ALL the environments we can dive in, and doing my part in my
daily life to protect, preserve, and improve these environments so that we may
ALL enjoy them for generations to come.
Please e-mail me or stop by Dive
Connections to see me. I’d love to talk diving with you! If I’m not there,
just wait a little while…even the best of us have to come up for air once in a
while! See you soon!
Instructor Designations
Emergency First
Responder Instructor
SCUBA for KIDS Instructor