We sell dive gear with significant value added.We assemble it, configure it to your needs, and we absolutely guarantee
the fit.We make sure you are fully
aware of all the features of the gear you choose, and are fully trained in the
purpose and use of these features.
We are here to instantly resolve any warranty issues.We guarantee your satisfaction with your equipment choice or we’ll
exchange it for any other piece of equipment that will satisfy you.
Do you really want to have to pick up the phone and then have to mail it back
and then wait...?
We advise you when your annual service is due and we are here to honor the
annual service warranties.We are
always here for free, cheerful consultation on all the places and ways you
can use your new equipment.
We do everything we can to connect you to the community of diving and make
diving opportunities available to you whether it's a trip or training or
education or simply a social encounter.
We want you to be happy, for your gear to work flawlessly and for you to Go Diving!
you get better prices by ordering from Mail Order
or on the Internet?"
Maybe. The Internet is great for
providing instant information but not necessarily for providing
service. Internet direct sellers are selling dive gear at its basic
worth, unassembled, in the box and are not in a position to provide the services
in the sale and after the sale that we do. So do you want a cheap price
... or a great value?
An intelligent Internet
You want to understand the purchase you are anticipating making.You know you want to touch the merchandise and try it on first!
the pictures, sizing charts and virtual reality are no substitute.
Come visit us; check the size, the quality of the material, get the catalogs and anything else
to help you choose the perfect system and above all, ask questions of our staff.
Now fully armed, hit the net to find out the market value of your gear without the value
added that we provide.
Then before you send that credit card number off to someone out-of-state or
even out-of-the-country, give us one last chance to make you one of our many happy, loyal
customers.Just show
us what system you've chosen and what pricing you've found.
In exchange, we’ll make certain that you are getting what you think
you’re getting; the right size, the current model, the right features, etc.We’ll tell you what the cost difference would be if you bought that
identical system from us with all the value that we add.One number. No pressure. You decide.
We promise that we will treat you with all the
cordial respect due an intelligent and thorough shopper, and we will sincerely
attempt to negotiate something that will make us both happy.
Good luck in your hunt.You’re
going to love having your own gear and going diving.
"What are the Pitfalls of Internet &
Mail Order Purchasing?"
Internet and Mail Order sellers are generally
not manufacturer authorized
dealers and they’re most always way out-of-town.
Most manufacturers recognize the value that local
dive shops provide in presenting their products to prospective purchasers and in
creating and facilitating the development of a local diving community necessary
to have a viable market in the first place.
So in order to be sure that their gear is properly
set up and serviced before their customer jumps into the water with it, they
require their distributors to be full service dive shops.
an Internet seller may come into possession of equipment from "going-out-of-business" sales,
overseas outlets, stores who need to make a quick buck, or some other means, manufacturers do not sell
directly to them.
Manufacturers try to limit
these sellers from getting gear, and do not honor warranties on equipment
purchased through these sellers as they are not authorized dealers.
"So, what
does a long distance seller and absence of warranty
really mean to you?"
means that if it is not exactly what you want, if it doesn’t quite fit, if the
color isn’t exactly right, or if it is defective in any way, you’ll have to send it back, generally at your
own expense.
It means that free warranty work is not available nationwide on a local
It means that the seller may warranty it, but that service is only
available from a single location and again you’ll have to send it off and wait
… and wait …
It means that the gear may not be configured or tested for final sale and
that gauges may be metric, if purchased from another country.
It means that for a reasonable charge, we will be
happy to setup, service or adjust any of your new gear.A service that would have been included if you had purchased the
equipment from us.
It means that you may have shipping charges that were not quoted in the
original purchase invoice.
In the event that you are purchasing from another country, it means that
there will be a customs declaration prepared by the shipper naming you as the
importer of record and that you are responsible for to meet all US import laws
and it means that you may have delays and charges in US Customs.
It may also mean that you will have exchange rate differences and
exchange charges
on you credit card that you were not expecting.It definitely means you will have a hard time returning it if you need to
do so, that you have no US consumer protection laws working for you and the
local Better Business Bureau will be of no help.
Overseas purchases may have a manufacturer’s
warranty but it may only be honored in the country of origin and not in
the US due to differences in warranty laws and contracts.
we will be most happy to help you in any way we can
and we are here in your community of a full time basis trying to help you go
diving.We appreciate your business
every day.